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Tervalammen kartanosta muodostui lyhyessä ajassa hätämajoitus Ukrainan pakolaisille keväällä 2022. Kartanon omistajat, Alexandra ja Niko Ahlqvist ovat maatalousyrittäjiä, jotka ostivat Tervalammenkartanon Helsingin kaupungilta vuonna 2020. Toukokuussa kartanolla asui noin kuusikymmentä ukrainalaista, joista puolet olivat lapsia.
The photo series tells about the Tervalampi estate located in Vihti, which in a short time became emergency shelter for Ukrainian refugees in the spring of 2022. The owners of the estate, Alexandra and Niko Ahlqvist, are agricultural entrepreneurs who bought the estate from the city of Helsinki in 2020. In May, about sixty Ukrainians lived in there. Half of them were children.
Tervalammen kartano on yksityisaluetta. Oveen on jouduttu laittamaan yksityisaluetta-kyltti, sillä uteliaat sivulliset ovat tulleet kartanon maille ahkerasti sen jälkeen, kun pakolaisia alkoi maaliskuussa saapumaan.
Tervalampi estate is a private area. A private area sign has had to be put on the door, because curious villagers have been coming to the lands since the refugees started arriving in March.
Tervalampi estate is a private area. A private area sign has had to be put on the door, because curious villagers have been coming to the lands since the refugees started arriving in March.
Kartanolla asuu ukrainalaisten naisten ja lasten lisäksi myös miehiä, jotka työskentelevät kartanon maataloustöissä.
In addition to Ukrainian women and children, there are also men who work in the estate's agricultural work.
In addition to Ukrainian women and children, there are also men who work in the estate's agricultural work.
Olena Lozkytova ja Irina Kochninska istuvat asuintilojen keittiössä.
Natalia Lukash seisoo takana parvekkeella.
Olena Lozkytova and Irina Kochninska are sitting in the kitchen. Natalia Lukash is standing behind on the balcony.
Natalia Lukash seisoo takana parvekkeella.
Olena Lozkytova and Irina Kochninska are sitting in the kitchen. Natalia Lukash is standing behind on the balcony.
Natalia Lukash ripustaa pyykkiä kuivumaan asuintilojensa parvekkeelle. Parveke on kaikkien asukkaiden yhteisessä käytössä.
Natalia hangs the laundry to dry on the balcony of her living space. The balcony is shared by all residents.
Natalia hangs the laundry to dry on the balcony of her living space. The balcony is shared by all residents.
Maryna Sosnytskan puhelimelta löytyy kuva, jossa hän poseeraa miehensä kanssa kotonaan Harkovassa.
A picture on Maryna Sosnytska's phone where she poses with her husband at home in Kharkiv.
A picture on Maryna Sosnytska's phone where she poses with her husband at home in Kharkiv.
Natalia Lukash omassa huoneessaan. Nataliaa naurattaa ja itkettää samaan aikaan, kun hän miettii kaikkea, mitä hänelle on tapahtunut. Natalia saapui Suomeen maaliskuussa, koti jäi Lviviin.
Natalia in her own room. Natalia laughs and cries at the same time as she thinks about everything that has happened to her. Natalia arrived in Finland in March, her home is in Lviv.
Natalia in her own room. Natalia laughs and cries at the same time as she thinks about everything that has happened to her. Natalia arrived in Finland in March, her home is in Lviv.
Anna Shunkaeyz ja Olena Lozkytova istuvat asuintilojen yhteisessä olohuoneessa. Televisio on päällä, mutta kukaan ei katsele sitä.
Anna Shunkaeyz and Olena Lozkytova are sitting in the living room. The television is on, but no one is watching it.
Anna Shunkaeyz and Olena Lozkytova are sitting in the living room. The television is on, but no one is watching it.
Asukkaat ovat ostaneet kukkia koristellakseen kolkkoja asuintiloja.
Residents have bought flowers to decorate their living spaces.
Residents have bought flowers to decorate their living spaces.
Natalia Vodzinska asuintilojen yhteisessä keittiössä pienen lapsensa kanssa. Hän pakeni Ukrainasta kaksikuukautisen vauvan kanssa.
Natalia in the shared kitchen with her small child. She fled Ukraine with a two-month-old baby. Now the baby is four months old.
Natalia in the shared kitchen with her small child. She fled Ukraine with a two-month-old baby. Now the baby is four months old.
Marina Sosnytskia ja Natalia Lohvynenko asuintilojensa ulkopuolella. He toivovat pääsevänsä pian takaisin Ukrainaan.
Marina Sosnytskia and Natalia Lohvynenko outside their temporary home. They hope to get back to Ukraine soon.
Marina Sosnytskia and Natalia Lohvynenko outside their temporary home. They hope to get back to Ukraine soon.
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