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Photo reporage of " The hermit of the island" tells about Ensio Sandell and his dog Mosse. Ensio Sandell lives on the island of Emskär in the farm where he was born 87 years ago. He is the only inhabitant of the island and at the same time the westernmost inhabitant of Finland. Ensio is accompanied by a 16-year-old Mosse dog.

Ensio and Mosse in the living room.

Ensio in the evening sun. He has never longed for other people, and has never wanted to start a family. According to Sandell, there used to be a lot of people like him in the archipelago, but not anymore. Being alone doesn't make Ensio lonely.

Ensio has had many dogs, and all of them have been named Mosse. There is a photo of on Mosse on the wall of the kitchen. All Mosses have been long-lived, one turned 17 before his death.

Ensio unties the boat in the boathouse at the aerly morning. Ensio goes to the food store on the neighboring island , Eckerö, once a week. Mosse doesn't go on the shopping trip, even if he wants to jump on the boat with Ensio.

Ensio drives across the sea to Eckerö on a shopping trip. All in all, a shopping trip takes five or six hours. He built the boat himself 37 years ago.

Mosse rests on Ensio's lap. 16-year-old Mosse is Ensio Sandell's last dog. The nicest of all, he says.

Ensio drinks coffee and watches TV. The television is on every day.

Time to go to sleep, together as every day.
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